Friday, January 25, 2013

Native Client comes to ARM Chromebooks, Netflix Support Inevitable

One of the downfalls of having the ARM (Samsung Exynos-powered) Chromebook, is the fact that some apps and websites do not work on the ARM architecture, that includes Netflix. But in Chrome OS 25 which is currently in the dev channel, it brings a very welcome change. Native Client will finally run on ARM devices. Which currently the only ARM Chrome device is the new Samsung Chromebook.

Without Native Client, the ARM Chromebook doesn't offer the same functionality that the Intel-based Chromebooks offer. For consumers, the evidence of this lacks of parity is the fact that Netflix doesn't run on Samsung's Chromebook. While this issue doesn't affect most big time Google fans, it'll will affect many others looking to waste some time and watch Netflix.

But with ARM support for Native Client now in the Dev Channel, it should be about 12 more weeks before the code hits the stable channel. This is another reason why its great to be on the developer channel for Chrome OS.

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