Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Google Gives Us a New Logo and App Launcher on their Homepage

One has to admit that over the past few years, Google's design has really gotten much better. Late last week, Google began rolling out an update to their homepage, that brings a new logo and a new app launcher.

The new logo has been freshened up and ditched the pseudo-3D bevelling around letter shapes and is also dropping the gradients that were also present. The brand new, well maybe not brand new, design is much flatter and easier on the eyes. It also scales better for smaller displays, like our phone.

Now the new App launcher is a different story. Instead of having the black bar across the top of the page now, you'll have a launcher that looks very similar to the launcher on Chrome OS, that will be between your name and the Google+ notification drop down. Now this should be rolling out gradually as well and will show up on other pages other than just But all of Google's properties. Including Google+, Play Store, YouTube, Gmail, etc.

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