Sunday, September 22, 2013

Possible New 'Get Help' App Coming to Chrome OS Soon?

Here's something interesting. As being reported by the folks over at OMG! Chrome!, it looks like there's a new app in the latest developer channel update for Chrome OS. A reader sent them a message about it:

My ARM Chromebook just updated a few moments ago and it came with this strange app called “_MSG_app_name_”, which bears a striking resemblance to Files.
He also added a screenshot, which you can see above, that shows the mysterious app. Many people first thought that it was a new 'messaging' app, like maybe hangouts and SMS combining into one app. Which buy the "_MSG_" at the beginning of the name sounds plausible right? However, the name was actually revealed in a briefly visible bug report from the Chrome Developers.

This new app is a 'Get Help' app which is supposedly going to allow users to search through a set of help topics that are online. Which makes sense since the entire OS works online. So Google's adding in their own little Help app, which is going to be a great addition for new Chrome OS users. Have any of you seen this new app on your Chromebook?

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