Friday, April 11, 2014

Samsung’s New Galaxy S5 Commercial Says To live Life Care Free

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Get ready for the official bombardment of Samsung Galaxy S5 commercials, and ads. Now that the device is out for official launch virtually everywhere, we’re sure to see more magazine ads, more commercials, hear more radio spots, and the occasional billboard while driving down the freeway. In one of Samsung’s newest ad spots, the commercial tones down a lot of the fluff that we’re used to seeing from some of the Samsung commercials in the past, taking just a few key parts about what makes the Galaxy S5 so great from a new phone buyers perspective, and serves it up on a silver platter. The best part, is that it’s quick. Samsung skips the bull and goes straight to the sweet spot in listing just a few of the fun things that you can do with the device.

Of course the commercial has to talk about the fast auto focus, which by all accounts is honestly something I could use on my phone. If you guessed that the water resistance was a main focal point of this commercial as well you’d be right, and interestingly enough( which might just be a little bit ironic for any of those customers buying the S5 on the three other major US carriers besides T-Mobile)Download Booster gets brought up which is a feature many people at this point in time won’t get to use. As we reported yesterday we had found out that the download booster feature is something that was usable at the carriers discretion, meaning they had the option it sounds like to support it or not, and only T-mobile seems to be allowing the feature on it’s version of the device.

While the commercial is short and sweet, it does take a little bit of a different approach than HTC’s short commercial which really didn’t attempt to advertise anything. It’s cool to see just how different and similar OEMs can be when it comes to their commercials. We realize that the two ads really couldn’t be more different, but we’re merely just speaking of the decision to cut the ad short. Samsung wastes no time at all in grabbing our attention here, and we say the shorter the commercial the better.

Click here to view the embedded video.

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