Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts

Sunday, April 27, 2014

How To: Take a Screenshot on Any Chromebook

Taking a screenshot on Chromebooks are pretty simple, so here's how

On a Chromebook, taking a screenshot is the same on every model. It's very simple to do, so simple in fact that you'll probably never forget.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

How to Add Swap Memory to your Chrome OS Device

Many of us that use Chrome, probably have about 10 more tabs open at any time. In fact, right now I have about 15 open, split between two windows. And because of that, Chrome uses a ton of RAM. Which is one major downside for Chromebooks since they - for the most part - come with 2GB of RAM. The Chromebook Pixel does come with 4GB of RAM though. When the amount of RAM you have goes down, you'll start to see lag, and some tabs will refresh when you activate them. Which that in itself really frustrates me. But luckily there's somewhat of a work around. It's called Swap Memory. I have it enabled on both my Samsung Chromebook (the ARM-one) and the Chromebook Pixel.